Easy Screen OCR is a Windows tool that lets you take screenshots in a quick and effective way without having to use external programs to save the output.
This tool helps users capture the screenshot and then extract the text from these pictures in the most efficient way. It is pretty simple to use, and it ...
Special offer: Buy EasyScreenOCR for LifeTime – 2.6.0 at the Best Price: $9.00, compared to $15.00; Enter this code at the easyscreenocr.com checkout to ...
EasyScreenOCR is a freeware screen capture tool that allows you to extract text directly from a captured image. EasyScreenOCR can be useful in cases where text ...
If it's invalid, contact us to get $10 payout. Official store latest offers (600+ bought) | Select License. 1 PC / Lifetime / Free Update. 40%. OFF. 1 Mac / ...
2020年8月5日 — In the applications folder, right-click on “EasyScreenOCR” and click “Open”. run easy screen ocr. #3 Ignore the alert and click “Open”. image ...
2019年10月28日 — Hi, Dear ESO users, on 23/8/2019, we have released the EasyScreenOCR LifeTime version(for Windows). Since that, we have won the trust of ...
2019年8月23日 — Changes: #1. EasyScreenOCR for Win could be used for a lifetime and only $15. #2. No recurring payment for EasyScreenOCR Lifetime version. One ...